venerdì 8 maggio 2015

La #directoraandaluza #NocemCollado gana el Oscar del cine ambiental


Rodada en 2012 en India, La Mujer y el agua hace un paralelismo entre los ciclos de la vida y los ciclos de un río (nace, crece, se desarrolla y muere) para presentar a la mujer y al agua como generadoras de vida y cuidadoras del sistema que las rodea, ya sea familia o naturaleza.
Nocem Collado regoge el premio de la GFN.
El documental, que se emitió el jueves tras la gala inaugural de la octava edición de Ecozine, está marcado por una fuerte perspectiva de género en la que queda patente cómo la falta de recursos, la pobreza o el cambio climático no afectan por igual a hombres y a mujeres. Además, la obra de la directora andaluza ahonda en la irónica situación del país asiático, donde el rápido crecimiento económico ha precipitado un sistema injusto en la gestión del agua, conprivatizaciones, contaminación y falta de derechos sobre un recurso básico y de vital importancia para la que será la población más grande del mundo de aquí a 2020.

mercoledì 15 aprile 2015

Google Sites

Google Sites è un'applicazione web gratuita fornita da Google, che permette la creazione di siti web. Attualmente Google Sites è uno dei servizi base inclusi nel pacchetto Google Apps.

tutorial :

martedì 14 aprile 2015



L’inclusione digitale (e-Inclusion), ovvero l’inclusione dei cittadini nella società dell’informazione.

Superamento del digital divide, attraverso l’alfabetizzazione digitale. Inizialmente l’e-inclusion  poneva l’attenzione sulle problematiche di accesso al web e ai programmi informatici da parte dei disabili, questa esigenza è stata recepita, a livello legislativo, con la legge 4/2004 (“Disposizioni per favorire l’accesso dei soggetti disabili agli strumenti informatici”)

Nel corso degli ultimi anni, si è cominciato a parlare di e-inclusion (inclusione digitale) intendendo la piena partecipazione di tutti i cittadini nella società dell’informazione.

A livello UE, l’inclusione digitale occupa un posto di rilievonell’Agenda digitale per l’Europa (DAE), adottata dalla Commissione europea nel maggio 2010. In particolare, nell’ambito del Pilastro 6 “Enhancing digital literacy, skills and inclusion”, la Commissione propone una serie di misure volte a promuovere l’adozione delle tecnologie digitali da parte di gruppi potenzialmente svantaggiati, quali anziani, persone con un basso livello di istruzione o con un reddito basso.

venerdì 13 marzo 2015

#responsabilità #sensocritico #consapevolezza = #competenzadicittadinanza [ Glossario di didattica capovolta ] #OttoCompetenzeDiLisbona

“Quello della saggezza digitale è un duplice concetto, poiché fa riferimento sia alla saggezza derivante dall’utilizzo del digitale per accedere all’abilità cognitiva al di là della nostra capacità innata, sia alla saggezza riferita all’utilizzo prudente della tecnologia per accrescere le nostre potenzialità”, spiega lo studioso Prensky.
responsabilità, senso critico, consapevolezza 
nell’uso dei media sono da sempre “nel mirino” di un movimento vastissimo e con una tradizione enorme», aggiunge poi Rivoltella, «sicuramente la saggezza digitale corrisponde a quell’idea di competenza digitale cui la Comunità Europea pensa quando la indica all’interno del framework delle competenze di cittadinanza».




mercoledì 4 marzo 2015

#EAS e #VALUTAZIONE(con estratti dal costruendo Glossario Anitel )

episodi di apprendimento situato ...
Consistono in micro porzioni di attività didattica basate su tre momenti: anticipatorio, operatorio e ristrutturativo. L'insegnante progetta in termini modulari, ridefinendo in tempo reale l'azione didattica. Con l’EAS torna al centro del processo di apprendimento il discente e il docente  assume ruoli con diverse sfumature che vanno dal tutor, al facilitatore, al “regista” dello scenario educativo, fino a riappropriarsi del proprio ruolo specifico nel momento ristrutturativo, per guidare i processi di metariflessione e fissare le conoscenze attraverso il reflecting learning. (Donatella Caré)
In letteratura si parla di Embedded Assessment quando si fa riferimento a un tipo particolare di valutazione in cui «le opportunità di valutare il progresso e la prestazione dello studente sono integrate nei materiali didattici e sono virtualmente indistinguibili dalle ordinarie attività che si svolgono in classe» (Wilson, Sloane, 2000;182). Quindi l'EAS può essere utilizzato ai fini della valutazione autentica. [(Da "Fare didattica con gli EAS di P.C. Rivoltella) Renata Stella]

martedì 6 gennaio 2015

10 biggest islands

Le 10 Isole più grandi del mondo | Coolture Hunter
25 mag 2013 - Le isoleterre emerse circondate dalle acque, sono davvero molto diffuse sulla ... Ecco per voi la classifica delle 10 Isole più grandi del mondo

lunedì 5 gennaio 2015

What computer languages do I need to know? Java !

What computer languages do I need to know?
Experience with Java should be enough. As mentioned in the Recommended Background Section, those who don't know Java, but have strong familiarity with other languages may want to take a Java tutorial prior to starting this course.
Can students take this course if they have no prior experience with Android programming or programming with Java?
This course assumes that students are comfortable programming in Java and have some experience programming Android apps. If you don't have any significant Java programming background, please look on the Internet for one of the many Java-related tutorials that are freely-available.
Can students use programming language, other than Java, for the course?
Not really. The main programming language for Android is Java.

domenica 4 gennaio 2015

#OpenLearning #TheEducationistStephenDownes self-management and personal development.

Stephen Downes
Wednesday, 03 Dec 2014
More Than Apps and Gadgets
Umair Haque, who is perhaps the only economist I can read without suffering indigestion, quite rightly condemns today’s penchant for addressing social problems with yet another app. “If you believe that Ubers, tacocopters, and dating-slash-butler apps…change the world…especially this world,” he writes, “you’re not just clueless. You’re hopeless.” [1]
So what does matter? “Make a vaccine for Ebola. Give the half the world missing it clean water, education, sanitation. Fix global youth unemployment. Give women and minorities a way to use the web without being harassed.” Stuff like that. Concrete, tangible good produced that measurably and meaningfully improves the lives of people and propels us toward higher aspirations.
This is a bit of a challenge for a web-monger like me. For the last twenty years or so I’ve been scripting my own versions of things I think would help – a learning management system here, an open website on the logical fallacies there, learning networks, open online courses, and most recently, personal learning environments. It’s hard not to wonder whether I’m not just serving up more of the same slop that has led us to where we are today.
Haque is pretty clear about what is not useful. “Apps, gadgets, hearts, likes,” he writes. “Taps, clicks, swipes, screens. These numb us with comfortable titillation.” They prevent us from aspiring to something more. “Things that make people…butlers, chauffeurs, maids, courtesans…debtors, sharecroppers, zombies…don’t change anything.”
He’s right, of course. The best inventions are liberating. They give us life, they nourish us, they advance us, they engage us, they empower us. They are not things that help us to become better workers, better servants, better employees.
That, if I may share a secret, is what has always bothered me about my work in education. In so many ways, we are either working to keep in power those who are already in power, providing them elite educations at exclusive universities, or we are perpetuating the servitude of the working people, teaching employment skills and vocational trades to the children of factory workers and farmers. And educators themselves, especially in today’s outcomes-based environment, are so often cast in the role of the butler or the maid, pandering to, rather than enlightening, the children of our employers.
I’ve always aspired to something more. I’ve always believed that at the end of my career, when I looked back, I would look on a body of work that led to something more significant than an app or a servlet.
That is why I am engaged not merely in the development of learning technology, but also engaged in the development of means, methods and mechanisms to deliver open learning – with ‘open’ being thought of in the widest and most liberating sense. And when I design educational systems – even when I am working with partners in government and industry – I am first and foremost thinking of my client as the students and learners themselves. And that is why I think in terms not of pedagogy and learning design, but in terms of self-management and personal development.
Educational technology is meaningless if it is not also liberating technology. The purpose of education is not to serve certain social objectives or as a means to employment, but rather to place in the hands of the learner the best and most useful set of tools possible to enable him or her to choose and forge the best quality life for themselves, or as John Stuart Mill would say, to pursue their own good in their own way. Because I believe the best society and the best employment are not those defined by one person over another, but those chosen and built by the people themselves.
We need to remember this when we are building our trinkets and baubles. We can build a better world out of the simplest elements, but only if we image what a better world is like, and refuse to be swayed on our pursuit of it.
[1] Umair Haque. What it Means to Change the World. Medium.
Disclaimer: This publication has been licensed by The National Research Council of Council. Content may be re-published and shared on the condition that all attributions and acknowledgement is given to the author Stephen Downes and The National Research Council of Canada. Note, this article falls under copyright to the Crown in Right of Canada, that is, to the Government of Canada

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